Self referral

This is when you contact us directly and is very common practice.  If you have any concerns about your relationship with food, get in touch to speak with one of the team who will offer guidance on next steps.

Family referral

This is when a family member contacts us with concerns about their loved one.

GP referral

You can ask your GP to get in touch with us if they, or you, are concerned.  This is usually done by letter or email.

General counsellors and psychotherapists

If you are already receiving support from a counsellor or psychotherapist, but they feel that more specialist support is appropriate then they can make contact with us.

Educational establishments

We are increasingly receiving referrals from schools, colleges and universities for students with emerging or existing eating disorders, (subject to the consent of the young person’s parents or guardians, if under 18 years old).

Counselling Process



Referrals to The Surrey Centre for Eating Disorders can be made via self referral, GP, Consultant Psychiatrist/Psychologist, Psychotherapist/Counsellor or other appropriate professional.



All eating disorders clients will be assessed by a dietitian and/or a psychotherapist. In some instances, it may be deemed necessary for the client to also be assessed by a psychiatrist prior to treatment starting.


One to One

At The Surrey Centre we believe counselling or psychotherapy plays a fundamental part in recovery from an eating disorder.
The therapists at The Surrey Centre work closely together whereby the philosophy of working simultaneously with issues around food and the underlying emotional issues are addressed.



Recovery from an eating disorder is significantly improved when other family members are involved in the process. At The Surrey Centre, we work together with partners, parents, siblings and children helping them understand how to help their loved one. As this process progresses, food is put back into its rightful place and can become something enjoyed and shared.

Surrey Centre Services

Dietetic Services

The Surrey Centre’s Nutrition Philosophy is based on nutrition and a healthy relationship with food thereby promoting a balanced diet as part of a healthy lifestyle.

One to One Therapy

At The Surrey Centre we use an integrated method of therapy, drawing on different therapeutic approaches and adapting them to meet individual clients needs.

Family Therapy

At The Surrey Centre, we are able to work together with partners, parents, siblings and children helping them understand how to help their loved one. When appropriate we invite the whole family to participate in sessions when feelings and experiences can be shared

Family Education And Support Programme

We understand that it is not only the individual with an eating disorder that needs support and that, often, a wider impact is felt by the whole family. We have put together a Family Education Programme offering a range of practical, dietetic help and advice alongside counselling and emotional support.


As a first step we recommend you come for an assessment. You will be guided through the process by one of our therapists. During the assessment you will have a chance to get a feel for how we work, time to tell us your story, to explain to us what you hope to gain from therapy and what your reservations might be.

Referrals to The Surrey Centre

Referrals to The Surrey Centre for Counselling & Psychotherapy can be made via self referral, GP, Consultant Psychiatrist/Psychologist, Psychotherapist/Counsellor or other appropriate professional.

Psychiatric Services

If you are referred to The Surrey Centre by a psychiatrist we will, with your agreement, work closely with them to ensure you receive a complete package of care. For some of our clients meeting the team at The Surrey Centre is the first point of contact. If at any point we feel the support of a Psychiatrist would be beneficial we will recommend this to you.

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